"Любовь долготерпит, милосердствует, любовь не завидует, любовь не превозносится, не гордится, не бесчинствует, не ищет своего, не раздражается, не мыслит зла, не радуется неправде, а сорадуется истине; всё покрывает, всему верит, всего надеется, всё переносит" (1 Кор.13,4-7).
"Love is always patient and kind, it is never jealous, love is never boastful or conceited, it is never rude or selfish, it does not take offense, nor it is resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure, whatever comes..."
Lilia, I just read through your February posts and am a little puzzled... How are things going in your life??? How are you feeling?? What's new?
I got the impression that you are feeling a bit lonely and overwhelmed... Is there anything we/I can do to help?
I hope most of what I read is in reality a lot better and easier than the way I took it. How is Katiushka? I am a bit sad and worried about you because of what you wrote about your family. How is everything going with your husband?? (sorry, my brain just went blank, I can't remember his name). I can't even imagine how hard it can get to be away from each other!
Please, let me know what I can do to help and make you feel better.
I love you,
Everything is fine! I'm just a little bit sad and lonely and overwhelmed... :) No, no, I'm kidding!
Everything's fine! I promise to add up some bright colors to my blog soon, alright?
Keep in touch,
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