Friday, November 13, 2009

30 weeks photos - am I going to explode? :)

Is there any limits to the weight gain during pregnancy? All pregnancy calculators say my weight gain is as perfect as it should be. But don't you think I am a little bit OVERWEIGHT? :) I am just... HUGE! I wonder how farther i could go with it. I still have 70+ days till due date and I've already gained 22 pounds. Is it always like this with baby-boys? Oh my, with such a weight it surely will be real LABOR to bring this kid to the world.

1 comment:

Michael and Natalia said...

Lilia, you don't look like you've gained much, trust me! Your face and arms still look so skinny. 22 lbs is perfect. Please, keep updating your pictures, I always look forward to seeing more of you and your growing belly :)

and thank you for posting more than one today! :)